Three recharge plans have been introduced at Rs.249, Rs.299 and Rs.349 respectively. Reliance Jio offers Jiofi device for free under these plans. It is noteworthy that these plans do not have the benefits of voice calling and SMS.
Reliance Jio three new postpaid recharge plans and Jiofi plans with free Jiofi device |
Reliance Jio has introduced three new postpaid plans for its Jiofi4G wireless hotspot services. All the three plans are a monthly recharge plans.
These plans are available at Rs.249, Rs.299 and Rs.349 respectively. Each of these programs has a different range of data. Available at a base price of Rs.249, the plan comes with a 30GB of data.
Similarly, the Rs.299 plan offering 40GB of data and the Rs.349 recharge plan offering 50GB of data. All three plans have a validity of 18 months with one month validity.
It is absolutely noteworthy that these plans have no benefits including voice calling, and SMS. Yet, It is aimed at company and business customers.
Customers can get the portable Jiofi device for free under these plans. It will be provided on revenue basis and on usage.
According to Jio's website, the new Rs.249 postpaid recharge plan offers 30GB of data with one- month validity. The Rs.299 postpaid recharge plan coming with 40GB data plan.
Similarly, the Rs.349 plan comes with 50GB of data. Each of these plans is valid for only one-month and after reaching the data ceiling the speed will be reduced upto 64 kbps.
The Rs.249, Rs.299 and Rs.349 plans are Jiofi postpaid recharge plans. As mentioned, voice calls, and SMS benefits are not available on these plans.
Jiofi4G Wireless Hotspot has a Nano SIM support. It is said that to provide five to six hours of internet surfing at only with a speed of 150Mbps.
This thing allows customers to connect up to 10 devices simultaneously. This device is powered by a capacity of 2300mAh battery.
Jio has prepaid plans that offer more offers than other companies. Jio has already introduced a number of stunning of plans to compete with companies like Airtel and Vodafone Idea in particular.
And Jio has created high expectations as the company will soon launch 5G service. Jio's Rs.119 prepaid plan comes with the benefit of 1.5GB of data per day. Also the validity of this plan is for only 14 days.
This magnificent plan especially offers the benefits of 300 SMS, unlimited voice calling and Jio App applications.
Jio's Rs.119 prepaid plan offers 1.5GB of data/day. Also the validity of this plan is for 23 days. This stunning plan offers many benefits including daily 100 SMS, unlimited voice calling benefits and access to Jio App applications.
The Rs.239 prepaid plan offers the benefit of 1.5GB of data per day. Also the validity of this plan is for only 28 days. This plan offers many benefits including daily 100 SMS, unlimited voice calling benefits and access to Jio App applications.
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